Be an inspiration and motivation. Build a responsible image for your company
Support the work of our foundation and let's make young athletes' dreams come true together.

Your company can also support the activities of the Krystian Popiel Foundation
Business involvement in charitable activities brings tangible benefits on many levels:

The companies we support are building an image as socially responsible businesses

The Foundation gains the means to pursue its objectives

The Foundation's charges receive support to help them recover

What do companies that engage with charity gain?
More and more people are paying attention to whether individual brands are involved in social and charitable activities. This issue can play a role in many consumer choices - this is confirmed by the results of research1. The gains for companies tha. The gains for companies that choose to thoughtfully support those in need are substantial:t choose to thoughtfully support those in need are substantial:
- Employees of companies that do something good for others gain extra motivation.
- Consumers are keen to choose products and services from companies associated as socially responsible and committed to charitable giving.
- The company enjoys greater recognition and a good image.
- A company's social commitment can inspire other individuals and businesses, and this is even more help for those in need.
Why is it worth to cooperate with us?
As many as 76.2% of Poles surveyed would like companies to engage socially and charitably. If you want your company to be perceived well, listen to the voices of society. Decide to cooperate with the Krystian Popiel Foundation ‘Let's Share a Smile’, which supports young athletes after serious accidents, illnesses and injuries.
Sport stirs up a lot of emotion, and helping people whose sporting careers have come to a standstill is the primary goal of our Foundation. We have many young talents under our care who need rehabilitation, surgery or other support to pursue their sporting dreams. Together we can help them to do so.

How your company can help?
It can take the form of a one-off donation or ongoing support. For us and our residents, every penny counts.
Employee volunteering
Your employees can get involved in the activities of our Foundation - this can be an inspiring experience and at the same time a good test of teamwork skills.
Marketing for a good cause
A portion of the profit from the sale of your company's products can be donated to the Krystian Popiel Foundation ‘Let's Share a Smile’, which will be highlighted by the presence of our logo on the packaging. Consumers reaching for these products will receive a clear signal that your company is committed to charity.
let's share a smile together today!
- Badanie „Zaangażowanie społeczne przedsiębiorców” przeprowadzone w ramach inicjatywy „Urodzeni Przedsiębiorcy”, źródło:,Czy-przedsiebiorcy-angazuja-sie-spolecznie.html, dostęp 08.08.2024 r. ↩︎