Business support for the Foundation 

Be an inspiration and motivation. Build a responsible image for your company

Your company can also support the activities of the Krystian Popiel Foundation

Business involvement in charitable activities brings tangible benefits on many levels: 

What do companies that engage with charity gain? 

More and more people are paying attention to whether individual brands are involved in social and charitable activities. This issue can play a role in many consumer choices - this is confirmed by the results of research1. The gains for companies tha. The gains for companies that choose to thoughtfully support those in need are substantial:t choose to thoughtfully support those in need are substantial: 

  • Employees of companies that do something good for others gain extra motivation. 
  • Consumers are keen to choose products and services from companies associated as socially responsible and committed to charitable giving. 
  • The company enjoys greater recognition and a good image. 
  • A company's social commitment can inspire other individuals and businesses, and this is even more help for those in need. 

How your company can help? 

It can take the form of a one-off donation or ongoing support. For us and our residents, every penny counts. 

Your employees can get involved in the activities of our Foundation - this can be an inspiring experience and at the same time a good test of teamwork skills. 

A portion of the profit from the sale of your company's products can be donated to the Krystian Popiel Foundation ‘Let's Share a Smile’, which will be highlighted by the presence of our logo on the packaging. Consumers reaching for these products will receive a clear signal that your company is committed to charity.  

Strategic Partners


  1. Badanie „Zaangażowanie społeczne przedsiębiorców” przeprowadzone w ramach inicjatywy „Urodzeni Przedsiębiorcy”, źródło:,Czy-przedsiebiorcy-angazuja-sie-spolecznie.html, dostęp 08.08.2024 r.  ↩︎