The ‘Let's Share a Smile’ Foundation named after Krystian Popiela was established on the initiative of the parents of Krystian, a young and talented footballer who died in a tragic road accident.
NON OMNIS MORIAR – Guided by this Latin maxim, Krystian Popiela's parents decided to honour his memory by establishing the ‘Let's Share a Smile’ Foundation. The name is not accidental - Krystian's smile and positive attitude to life accompanied him every day. One could say that he infected others with his optimism.
A brief history of the Share a Smile Foundation
- On 9 September 2018, Krystian Popiela died in a car accident - he was a young footballer, a person full of passion and love for sport. The news of this tragic event shocked his relatives, friends and the entire sporting community. Coming to terms with the passing of such a young and vibrant person was and still is very difficult.
- On 26 January 2019, the signing of the founding deed of the Krystian Popiel Foundation ‘Let's Share a Smile’ took place. The official launch of our Foundation was the culmination of a two-day event held in Tarnów - Krystian's home town. Together with the friendly School of the Sports Championship ZKS Unia Tarnów, under the patronage of the President of the City of Tarnów and with the help of many people, we organised a two-day children's football tournament - the 1st Memorial named after Krystian Popiela and a ceremonial ‘Dinner with a Smile’, at which we officially launched the activities of our Foundation. This is how it all began.

The Share a Smile Foundation has been running continuously since 2019 - during which time:
- We have taken 60 young athletes under our wing.
- We organised a celebratory Dinner with a Smile.
- We organised 4 Balls with a Smile.
- We have organised 5 Memorials and numerous sporting events.
Meet the people who make up the Foundation
WhWho are we helping?
The ‘Let's Share a Smile’ Foundation helps young athletes who have suffered accidents, serious injuries or serious illnesses. Depending on their needs, we help our charges by funding:
- surgeries,
- rehabilitations,
- trainings,
- sports scholarships.
We help them with both physical and mental recovery so that they can get back to pursuing their dreams and sporting passions.
Our Foundation also supports disabled young people, Paralympians and children with difficult financial circumstances. We fund their participation in sports camps and training camps, as well as food and the necessary sports equipment.
Financial statements of the Foundation
We help them rebuild physically and mentally so that they can get back to pursuing their dreams and passions in sport. We accompany and support them in difficult times. This is our duty to Krystian. And at the same time a great pleasure to help others.
Krystian’s parents, Agnieszka and Jarosław Popiela.
We share a smile, hope and a good heart.
Together we can do more!